For this inspirational quote, I turn to Gary Hughes, who pastors my small church in southwest Ohio. Every Sunday, Pastor Gary concludes his sermon with a charge for his congregation. It is this:


This call to action always helps to remind me that there is always more that I can do. I am challenged to do more to share my time and talents and resources, and in doing so hopefully make the world a better place.

It’s always a good time of year to think about how you can make a difference in your corner of the world and beyond. There are dozens of opportunities at your fingertips to ‘make it so.’ If not now, when?


Spend some of your free time working at your local food pantry or homeless shelter.  If your church or other community organization asks for help with a special project or event, sign up (and involve your kids.)Group of volunteers standing together in a modern office


Food banks and free stores are busier than ever before. They are in constant need of staples and perishable items, and not just during the holiday season. Call your local service agencies or check their websites for a list of their most urgent needs. If there is a women’s crisis center or community aid facility in your city they are typically in need of toiletries, cleaning and household items. Don’t forget the local animal shelter – they’re often seeking donations of pet food and other animal care supplies.


Share your home with your friends and family by hosting events that bring people together. Create memories for your loved ones by establishing a warm and welcoming environment; eat, drink, laugh, love, and let these special people know that your life is richer for having them be a part of it. These are the mountaintop moments that will last a lifetime.


Organize a food drive or other community effort at work. Make it a contest between teams, with a special prize for the team who donates the most. This will not only help the chosen charity, but will foster team-building in your organization. This year we had teams work together to create raffle baskets, with the proceeds of the raffle going to a local agency who provides temporary housing and other assistance to homeless families.

Promote Peace

Be an agent of peace. Be resolved that you will not sweat the small stuff, that you will do all in your power to be kind to those you encounter. Reserve judgement when someone cuts you off in traffic or is less than kind in the checkout line, for you never know what someone else is going through.

What if all of us spent a little more time working to make the world a little better today than it was yesterday? It could be a beautiful thing; let’s make it so!

Where the World Isn’t Good, Make It So!
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