The event you imagined is probably not the masterpiece you’ll be able to create, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t produce a meaningful, valuable event.
Reimagining an Event

The event you imagined is probably not the masterpiece you’ll be able to create, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t produce a meaningful, valuable event.
The April Eventures Newsletter is here, and it’s chock full of information for the DIY wedding planner or bride-to-be! ~ Considering an outdoor venue for your wedding? Here are a few things to think through before you do. ~ The tux shop forgets to
I recently read an interview in Writer’s Digest Magazine with Cheryl Strayed, author of Torch, Wild, and an online advice column on The Rumpus called “Dear Sugar”. When asked by Christina Katz why she took on the no-byline, no-pay assignment
Do you ever have trouble remembering things that need to be done? Do you struggle to arrive on time to appointments? Do you have difficulty maintaining focus on a single task long enough to finish it? Do you ever
For this inspirational quote, I turn to Gary Hughes, who pastors my small church in southwest Ohio. Every Sunday, Pastor Gary concludes his sermon with a charge for his congregation. It is this: This call to action always helps to
Behind every successful event is someone who takes the time to establish goals, assemble a team, create an action plan, set a priority and deadline for each task in the plan, and then execute that plan with precision. This allows
If you make any resolutions for the new year, resolve that you will “shower the people you love with love” every chance you get. This classic James Taylor song makes me think about my dad. I think about the
THE COLLEGE DORM CHECKLIST Use this checklist to help you think through the essential items you may need to bring when you move in to your new college home. A free downloadable version of this checklist is available here. SLEEPING
I love this marriage quote, but it’s also true that I love weddings! I have beautiful memories of my own wedding, and I can’t wait to watch my own children walk down the aisle when their time comes. But “getting
Thank you Eleanor Roosevelt! We all need to remember the times and the places when we have felt the most passionate, when that swell of joy and contentment bubbled up inside – at that moment, you were living in your sweet